Receive an update on each subcommittee’s respective projects and affirm the commissioners serving on each.
Discussion and possible action on the dissolution of the Teen Survey Subcommittee and the RUHS Safety and Access Stakeholder assignments.
The Youth Commission (Commission) has a number of active subcommittees that are individually tasked with specific projects that align with the goals of the Commission. Additionally, the Commission appointed select commissioners to serve on a stakeholder group that is analyzing the safety and access at Redondo Union High School (RUHS).
As part of the Commission’s ongoing review of the work assigned to its subcommittees and appointed roles, a current subcommittee member may briefly describe any projects currently in process. The discussion will provide an opportunity to inform the Commission of the current progress of each project; allow commissioners to express their interests, goals, and desires to be involved in subcommittees that have a vacancy; propose new subcommittees for consideration a future meeting; or modify the number of approved subcommittees.
A maximum of seven commissioners may serve on a single subcommittee. There are no limitations to the number of subcommittees a commissioner may serve. Included below are the Commission’s active subcommittee and stakeholder groups:
Substance Abuse Subcommittee
Member(s): Sorgen, Weiss, Taghvaei, Cho, Reeds, Flinn, Cheves
Review current resources and local policies related to substance abuse, and make recommendations regarding education and programs to provide information and current resources available to teens and their families.
Communications Subcommittee
Member(s): Reeds, Huynh, Steinberg, Taghvaei, Robles, Cunningham
Create a general “Teens in Redondo Beach” social media account utilizing Instagram. Determine the focus of future posts including strategies and frequency. Consider alternate means of communication, when necessary, while keeping in mind the creation of a one-stop shop resource for teen-related information that ensures accessibility.
Teen Survey Subcommittee
Member(s): Campisi, Huynh, Sorgen, Steinberg
Create a teen survey to gather input from local teens regarding programs, services, and other teen-related issues. Determine the frequency of the survey(s), questions that will be asked, method, and the recommended distribution plan.
Teen Center & Event Subcommittee
Member(s): Cho, Cunningham, Weiss, Robles, Chabot, Campisi, Taghvaei
Provide guidance to staff on the re-opening of the Perry Park Teen Center, and provide ongoing support for teen programs, services, and events held throughout the City.
Redondo Union High School (RUHS) Safety and Access Stakeholder Group
Member(s): Huynh, Weiss
Participate in stakeholder meetings as a representative of RUHS students to consider safety and access to the RUHS campus.
Subcommittee items requiring formal action or consideration of the Commission must be agendized for a future discussion.
Staff recommends the Commission consider dissolving the Teen Survey Subcommittee since it has completed its assigned tasks associated with the successful teen survey that was completed earlier this year. Additionally, staff requests the Commission consider dissolving the RUHS Safety and Access Stakeholder assignments as they have also provided valuable feedback to staff and consultants regarding the City’s review of safety and access surrounding RUHS. Staff has confirmed that no further input from this group are necessary.