1. Open the public hearing and take testimony regarding the request of the Little Fish Theatre/Shakespeare by the Sea for approval of an Entertainment Permit (Level II) at 514 N. Prospect Avenue;
2. Close the public hearing
3. Approve the Level II Entertainment Permit requested for the Little Fish Theatre.
The applicant is requesting approval of a Level II Entertainment Permit for the operation of a live performance theater, Shakespeare by the Sea/Little Fish Theatre, in an approximately 8,861 square-foot space within an existing multi-tenant public-community facility (medical offices and health-related facility). The nonprofit organization would occupy an existing basement area, which was previously occupied by a childcare development facility.
The proposed nonprofit arts organization intends to provide theatrical experiences of new, classic, and contemporary works. The Little Fish Theater is a subsidiary of Shakespeare by the Sea, and, while related, only Little Fish Theater will be providing live performances at this facility. The Little Fish Theater will operate from September to May, with an average of six to nine productions per year with approximately 60-90 attendees per show, with a maximum capacity of up to 98 audience members. Performances will last two to three hours. Shakespeare by the Sea will occupy part of the space for rehearsals and will host fundraising events within the building, but will not provide live performances at the site. The organizations expect attendance of 60 to 80 people for fundraising events, which will be scheduled both during daytime hours and on select evenings. No changes to the exterior of the building are proposed, and the outdoor portion of the facility will not be used for performances, but is intended to be a gathering area for guests before and after scheduled shows.
On December 19, 2024, the Planning Commission reviewed a Conditional Use Permit for the live performance theater. The Planning Commission was highly supportive of the proposal for performing arts at the subject location and commented that it would improve the quality of life for residents. The Conditional Use Permit was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission. Redondo Beach Municipal Code (RBMC) Section 4-17.02 requires the issuance of a Level II Live Entertainment Permit by the City Council, in addition to the Conditional Use permit, for live theater uses.
The schedule per production is proposed to be Thursday through Sunday from 8:00pm to 11:00pm, with matinees on Saturday and Sunday from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Little Fish Theatre will also have rehearsals from Monday through Thursday from 6:00pm to 11:00pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The subject site is located on the east side of N. Prospect Avenue just north of Diamond Street, and is currently developed with a multi-tenant medical facility also known as the Beach Cities Health District (BCHD). Additionally, the Silverado Assisted Living Facility (60 beds) is also located within the existing facility. The properties to the north are zoned Commercial (C-2) and developed with a commercial shopping center. The properties to the west and south are zoned and developed with single family residential (R-1) uses. The properties to the east are single-family residential properties within the City of Torrance.
The existing site is developed with a multi-building, multiple-tenant medical building on a 407,808 square-feet property. The proposed live performance theater would occupy one existing basement space, within an approximate area of 8,861 square feet. The building sits centrally on the property and is set back from the adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties located within the City of Torrance by approximately 200 feet. The property is served by a total of 812 parking spaces on the existing campus, including 391 spaces located on the surface lots and 421 spaces located within the existing parking structures on site. Vehicular access to/from the property is off of N. Prospect Avenue and the majority of the anticipated parking for the live performance use will be located along the eastern portion of the existing property. No new parking spaces are required for this project as the site has ample parking for the additional guests at the time of the proposed performances as the proposed use will be happening during off-peak hours, when most of the medical facility parking will be available.
The applicant intends to remodel the interior of the existing space, creating additional storage areas for equipment and costumes, as well as creating a rehearsal and theatre space and dressing rooms. Additionally, an inner lobby and front lobby are proposed to be constructed. The interior theater space is proposed to be 2,300 square feet, which includes occupancy for the performers and up to 98 audience members. The stage that is being used for the performances is approximately 130 square feet in area and will be no taller than 6 inches in height above the existing floor.
No changes to the exterior of the building are proposed except minor refurbishing of the existing outdoor space which does not require any permits from the City of Redondo Beach. Pursuant to Section 4-17.06 of the RBMC, all Entertainment Permit applicants are required to post a security deposit with the City to cover the cost of "extraordinary Police services" related to the operation of the business, if the need arises. Given that the business will provide entertainment as a secondary activity, staff recommends that the amount of the security deposit be $1,500, though the City Council has discretion to vary the amount of the deposit if it feels circumstances warrant a differing amount from what is initially recommended. The City is provided with the ability to refer an Entertainment Permit back to the City Council for consideration to revoke, suspend, or modify the permit if the permittee fails to comply with its terms or provides the approved entertainment in a manner which significantly impacts the community (as evidenced by documented complaints).
As is the case with all requests for Entertainment Permits, the Police Department and Fire Department have reviewed the request. Comments from those Departments are incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval of the proposed Entertainment Permit.
There is no fiscal impact associated with this item.
Mike Witzansky, City Manager
• Conditions of Approval - Entertainment Permit Level II, Shakespeare by the Sea/Little Fish Theatre
• Proposed Plans - Little Fish Theater CUP
• Reso - No. 2024-12-PCR, Planning Commission, December 19, 2024
• Application - Entertainment Permit